
Arkansas laws for weapons possessed by security officers.?

by  |  earlier

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I am an overnight security officer at a local fairground. It's a relatively big location, and I am solo at night for 12 hours at a time. I'm just wearing a black tee with SECURITY on it and whatever pants I have around. I'm going to change the colors up a bit later on.. but I had some questions.

Seeing as I am solo, I have no backup other than 911, which means if something goes down, I'll need to handle it for at least 5-10 minutes.

In Arkansas, is it legal for me to possess and/or use an extendable baton? Pepper spray? Other non-lethal means of suppressing/controlling a suspect?




  1. i am unsure on arkansas law but i would check with who governs your officer card i am a non weapon carring officer in Houston texas and on the pepper spray check the laws because in texas we have to be liscenced for all the items including a flashlight.

          Over five years in the buissness i have found the best way is to talk to them other than that keep your space and use your maglight, make sure you can call help fast, most suspects can be reasoned with so usually it is not hard to get out of a cituation.

  2. Everyone is entitled to carry pepper spray, it's legal in all 50 states and is allowed to be carried in a womans purse, we bring our purses to our jobs... so, there ya go (I'm not calling you a woman btw, lol, just sayin). However, some areas restrict the sprays content. Some areas allow the real potent stuff that'll bring a grown man to his knees begging for his mom, and other areas only allow kinds that are very mild... find out which kind is legal in your area.

    I'm wondering why your employer never mentioned that to you to begin with.

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