
Arm asleep...something in leg weird?

by  |  earlier

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First of all, when i run the 200m, this is the second time out of 3 that my arms fall asleep, like a tingly feeling..i dont feel it until after i stop running. This also happened the first time i ran the 100X4 relay.

When I was running the relay (100X4), for the last 30m or so, there was this thing that like shot through my leg every step in my left leg, like when you hit a nerve.. was i stretching one out to far or something??? My friend said that happens if you run on your heels, is that true?

thanks a bunch!!!




  1. I'd *highly* recommend a physician's evaluation in your case. Issues with your vertebrae and spinal cord could literally be at the root of your problem.

    Good luck!

  2. Umm,., about your arms,, you may want to try to lift weights. THis wiil built up those muscles and they shouldnt feel so wierd after a race. About you legs.. I would talk to your coach about it. If it persists seek your spots dr. hope this helps!

  3. the reason your arm is falling asleep is because you aren't getting enough blood flowing through your arm. It's perfectly normal just be sure to relax your arms at the end of your race and allow for the blood to begin to flow again. As far as the pain in your leg you may have gotten a stress fracture. This is caused from over use or over working your leg i would go to your doctor asap and tell them that you think you may have a stress fracture. And i would also take a break from running to rest your leg if you keep running on it and you really do have a stress fracture you could actually make your condition worse and cause a complete break.

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