
Arm muscles and elbow hurts

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Hello. Every time I work out my arms (elbow and down to my hands hurts as he**), I went to Xray and they said everything looks good. I work out at home and mainly work on my triceps. Elbow started hurting 2 days ago. When I take ibuprofen it helps, but then pain comes back again. Any suggestions what should I do? I also started doing perfect push up, where I twist arms doing it. And when I pick some up, it hurts more when I twist weight. What you say? Thanks




  1. I have been doing Perfect Pushups for 2 yrs now, and in the last 4 months, I have developed tennis elbow from it.  Orthopedic says the twisting motion in the cause.  I now must quit using PP's and do pushups on my fists instead.  He told me other patients have had the same problem.  I am bummed because i love the PP's.

  2. I have pain at elbo but not in the elbo, the bone above the elbo if you (stretch your arm out straight) hurts, it's right where you bend your arm ,the bone above the elbo,then the area from that bone down to the wrist,
    (the top of the arm if you lay your arm flat)hurts.Had shots did not help.
    any help would be appriciated

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