
Army Life for a Female? (even better if you are a female medic)?

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I have been considering joining the Air Force, but recently have been interested in the Army. I am well versed when it comes to life in the Air Force, but I know very little about the Army.

So, I was wondering what life is like for a FEMALE in the Army. I am looking to join as a Medic (hopefully).

Do you ever regret your branch choice?

Why did you choose Army?

What job do YOU do?

Is it Rewarding?

Family friendly?

Do female medics in the Army get to be out in the front lines?




  1. Front lines are a possibility have you looked into the other medical specialties the army provides?

    I rarely ever regret my branch choice, I mean for gods sake i am a soldier!! and i love saying that.

    I chose army to further myself and they are the only branch that can guarantee an actual job    not a job field like navy marines air force and cg

    My job is a 25s satellite communications systems operator and maintainer      long name and lots to do at work

    It is so rewarding when you walk into any store in uniform and people greet you and say thank you and all that.... btw that doesnt happen to those non-hearted marines and everyone knows the navy is a bunch of drunks

    the army is one of the most family friendly right behind the air force and they are totally re-doing the housing on posts nationwide to accommodate for the new age family

    have a great time in whatever choice you make and stay healthy

  2. I might be from the wrong side of the house, so to speak, but I am medical.  Given a choice to do it all over again, I would probably go Air Force.

    I chose Army because at the time I joined, the Air Force was over strengthed, whereas the Army was desperate for people to join.  Hence the Army offered better career options and seemed the logical choice at the time.

    Although I am, as previously mentioned, medical, I do not work in the medical field at all.  This is one of the many joys of the Army... that little phrase "the needs of the Army" which is used to put individuals into any job (regardless of how poorly trained for that particular job the individual may be) for quite a length of time.

    There are as many pros as cons when considering joining the Army, a lot of it greatly depends on where you are and which unit you are assigned to.  Likewise, the family friendliness of the military can and does depend on location and unit.  Some units are more lenient than others when it comes to taking off work to care for children or to give time to spend with the spouse and/or family.  Some instilations have more services offered to family members than others.

    And yes, depending on the unit and the mission, any Soldier, regardless of gender or job, can be put on the "front lines".  (Although in the modern, non-liner battlefield, the concept of front lines is rather outdated.)

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