
Army MEPS..what can I do?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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-My brother and I both went to MEPS and swore into the Army. We are doing the Student Delayed Program, so we don't ship out untill after we graduate High School. We both have same MOS.. 19K (Tanker) and trying to go Special Forces after 2 years.

-We would like to ship out the same day, but we got a month difference. Someone at MEPS told me I can't ship out within a 10 day period after I graduate. A different person put my Brothers shipping date within 4 days of graduation?!?

-What can I do to get the same date? I already talked with my recruiter. Both my parents can not afford to make both graduations.. I just need to know if there is someone I can call and talk to. We don't ship out for another year. I just want to get an earlier ship date or something with him.

-Thanks in advance for all your help.




  1. They may not do this anymore, but when I entered the military in 2000, they had a 'buddy program" where they would let you and a friend joining and do everything at the same time and at the same locations. Try asking your recruiter if this is still possible.  

  2. Well if your concern is your parents attending your graduation from basic, I would definitely move on to worrying about something else.  It's a very small time ceremony, not worth any effort at all, much less money spent to attend.  Tell your parents to stay home and save some cash.

  3. He might be able to defer his ship date, but you won't be able to move yours up.  The easiest thing to do would be enlist under the buddy system, but you missed that boat.

  4. I agree with "The Scorpion". I have heard that the ceremonies are short and not that big of a deal. I wouldn't think it is worth the 600 bucks or more it would be for your parents to go down and see it. (if they fly)

    I think it would be better for you anyway to go to basic without your brother. You can think of it as a step to maturity. Going off on your own and starting your life. You will probably not care that much in another year anyway.  

  5. WELCOME TO THE MILITARY BROTHER!!! If you get whatyou want, you will be one lucky person, if not you will have to suck it up and drive on. By the way, my parents never made it to my graduation and I doubt we will make it to my son;s since my husband is retired and is umemployed.

    I got married in AIT and my parents never made it to that either. Life goes on.

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