
Army National Guard - Should I?

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I would like your opinion on whether or not I should join the National Guard. Is/has anyone in the national guard? how do you like it? Positives/negatives?




  1. my dad was in the guard. he was fighting the la riots when i was born.

    he went to kwate  the small country some what near iraq and guarded a air base.

    for him it was easy. he was in all of the parades. he loved it.

  2. I'm in the process of joining as soon as my medical scholarship is accepted.

    Great for your career and self esteem.

  3. The military is a personal choice that only you can make.  Talk to a recruiter and get all of your questions answered.  It was good for me.  

    USAF Veteran

  4. Its an excellent idea. I wish I didn't have the medical problems I have. It's great for your self esteem, its great for job training, and it really looks good on your resume.

  5. To keep it simple...... if apllicable just go active and go all of the way. I started out in the reserves and later went active.

    What I got.....

    -food, housing, clothing, benefits and all of that.... giving me time to ponder life

    -even when I am say 90 years old and sitting in my lazy boy I will have a sense of pride that nobody could ever take away from me.... nor could I explain that to a civilian

    -money for college

    -my resume rocks and I am amazed that I got to where I am and what I have...... life, love, family and stuff. I look around sometimes and go no way, how the flip did I get this life".

    -taught me how to be a man and look at the world a certain way

    -I became part of something important..... to the point where you see civilians doing whatever and realize that YOU help to allow them to have no cares

    -and back to the thing........ it can open doors that you can't possibly imagine....... regardless of what job you pick

    -it might sound trite to some...... duty, honor and country. If a person gets it they get it and if they don't they don't.

    Everybody is different. But 20+ years later I know that all I have and the person that I am is a result from my young idoit self walking into the recruiting station. All worked well and I have made it to the top of the food chain........ but my only somewhat regret is that I did not just sign up for active duty right away.

  6. I am in the Minnesota Army National Guard.  I drill in Moorhead Minnesota.  I'm a Pv2, and got home from training in December.  A lot of whether you should join is dependent upon what you believe and what kind of person you are.  There are some definite pros- a 20,000 dollar bonus, and being able to serve your country in the military while being able to be near your family and friends in your home town.  Your chances of getting deployed in the National Guard right now are pretty high, which is something you should probably think about.  Basic Training and AIT get you into great physical shape, and build up your confidence.  You also learn job skills which could be useful in your civilian career.  You get college money and meet wonderful people.  I personally love it, but a lot of people don't.  So again it all depends on you.

  7. I'd reccomend it.

    The Only negative is the One-Year deployments.

    Other than that WAY better than the Army Reserve.

    If you want the full expeirance than go Active Army.

    If you are afraid of war..dont enlist in the Army or Marines at all.

    Good luck,


  8. It is probaly one of the smartest things you could do. For now and your present future. It can open so many doors for you. Job training that is used in reality and it teaches discipline. It is a sense of pride that you will always have and can always share with others that are in the service, you have your friends but those that you serve with turn into family. You can have benefits that last a life time include school, home loans, and a job that can bring you sercurity. Lets not forget the last one though, the opportunity to serve your country and be a part of something that is much bigger than yourself.

  9. Before you do anything man I would talk to some people who have been through it, NOT recruiters. The recruiters will make it sound like fun and benifits out the *** but its not its your JOB. If you know of anyone or see a person in uniform (who isnt a recruiter) then just ask them if you can talk to them about it. If they are not a prick Im sure they would love to. Also remember that when you sign on the dotted line that is 8 years. Im not trying to discourage you or anything cause Ive been looking into the army and marines for the past couple months. But just do your research and wait... and if you find it aint for you or you wanna go to college dont feel guily. There were people who have served and died before you to give you that right.

  10. i personally am not in however my husband has been in almost 8 years been deployed 3 times (total of almost 4years) he wants to go active so bad and plans on it as soon as he gets back if your looking for the part time thing just remember that you still get deployed and most often longer than active does ( my husband is gone for a year my brother who is af only 6mnths ) either way good luck

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