
Army Rangers question?

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What is the difference between regular army infantry and army rangers?

And dont just say rangers and specialized. What exactly are the differences?




  1. Many weeks of damned tough training.

    If you're not yet in the Army, please see an Army recruiter for more schooling detailed info.

    Also, airborne training is a great compliment to Ranger School.

  2. Rangers specialize in reconnaissance and operating behind enemy lines.

  3. Rangers go in bang bang get out, they also do recon like dude above me said, the Rangers are the greatest Infantry force on the planet.

  4. Most Rangers are Infantry.....but not all Infantry can be or are Rangers

    A Ranger is an additional combat skill.... above and beyond Infantry

    The difference can be found in their mission..... Rangers are trained and experienced in all types of patrols..... in all types of environments

    All military receive basic infantry training...... they then go to more training depending on their MOS..... the Ranger has this then goes on to additional training ..... they learn to give patrol orders.....plan for the mission.... brief..... a higher skill in land navigation and map reading..... setting up drop zones and landing zones..... survival..... mountain climbing..... use of rally points.... hand to hand combat.....helo and amphibian operations...... a plethora of combat skills only hinted at in basic training

    In addition they are tested physically and mentally.....driven to exhaustion then driven some more ..... the standards are can complete the course and still not be a tab Ranger

  5. Rangers are described as "Infantry on steroids".  The US Army Rangers are elite Light Infantry and are considered to be Special Operation troops.  In other words, they're shock troops usually used to secure airfields and other hard points.  They're also used for long range recon as well.  There's more to it, but essentially that's the difference between the Rangers and regular Army infantry.

  6. Like the above answer(s), Rangers are recon troops, equivalent to Navy SEaLs or Marine Recon troops. Rangers must have their jump wings (graduated Airborne School) before they can enroll in Ranger School. They are apart of the infantry, but they use better gear and have advanced missions. When Rangers execute a mission, they parachute behind enemy lines destroy the target and get out. Rangers do a lot of prisoner rescue/ snatch & grab missions (i.e Bataan rescue mission/ Battle of Mogadishu). The training is also VERY tough.
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