This is my second deployment and it just started and I am already not dealing well with it. I have two kids (5 and 18 months) and I'm pregnant. Last deployment he left me I was pregnant with our 18 month old. Last deployment was hard but I knew that I would be fine and get through it. This one is way different for me. He just left and I'm not getting any better at all. I cry all the time, everything I do reminds me of him, I'm not eating (not good because of the baby), and my main concern is my kids are watching me go through this meltdown. Last time I think was easier because I had four really good friends that lived on my block that helped me through it and now I have nobody. They have all moved away since and the new neighbors are all trashy people. I wanted to talk to someone too see if they could get him home because I am really worried about my health and my children but someone told me that the Army would kick my husband out for that. I wanted to know if that was true?