
Army medical discharge question

by Guest62887  |  earlier

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Let me preface this question with the statement that this is third hand info,and may not be completely correct in all the details.My daughter enlisted in the Army about 6 months ago(Ft L'wood)almost immediately,she got stress fractures in her legs,knees,and hips.She was sent home twice on convalescent leave.The fractures are not healing.The dr.s don't appear to know why.This is where it gets a little fuzzy for me.She is telling me on aug 5,she sees some dr or other who will then recommend a med board,and this will lead to some physical eval thing that determines her percentage or something.LZike I said,3rd hand,I only know what she tells me and she is a pvt that doesn't get told S**t.She tells me they pressure her to just sign a request for discharge/no benefits.I say she wasn't hurt going in,and that is bs.So,should I get her a lawyer?Is there a way to stay in,maybe with an administrative position?She wants to stay,but no way she is going to make the PT test,so,i"m pretty resolved that she will get discharged.Basically,what is the process?Anything I can do to help?I know a few high ranking officers from my military days long ago,but my kid doesn't want me to interfere,but I'm dad,so you know how that goes.Any advice?Specifically or generally?thank you




  1. My son has a friend who joined the Marines and was hurt. He broke both shin bones during basic training. He was honorably discharged, got a free ride to any 4 year college he chooses, and a paycheck once a month for the next 20 years. I wouldn't give in to any pressure, but hold out until she gets what she deserves. These injuries will effect her the rest of her life - she deserves to be taken care of!

  2. Dont let her sign anything that will affect her benefits!!! They are trying to ***** her over with that c**p. All she needs to do is go to a doctor and get evaluated. If they determine she will be on permanent profile or her fractures arent healing, then the chapter process starts. I know someone who go med boarded but he still got FULL benefits because he got an honorable discharge. Tell her to go to her higher ups with that BS signing her benefits away c**p. Thats WRONG

  3. i'm with sassy on that one. No benefits! that sounds kinda shady to me. unfortunatley her time in service affects this i'm pretty sure. dont take my word for it, but as she approaches that six months time frame, she's consider a veteran, and eligible for benifits through the VA. I believe. I dont know, its late.

  4. As a parent I understand your concern.  You might try taking to you local veterans' rep, but since she wants you to stay out of it, I'd do my research but just offer my advice without interfering.  And even admin positions have to do the annual PT test to be able to stay in.  She should be able to seek legal advice on her own from the base legal office.

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