
Army national guard: I want out!

by  |  earlier

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I joined the army national guard and I'm supposed to be leaving for basic in October. I joined in kind of a hurry (stupid, i know) and now that I've done more research, I would really really rather be in the air national guard. Is it possible to switch??? I already got sworn in, but someone told me since I haven't gone to basic yet I could still switch. Is this true? How hard is it?




  1. You can get out at any time before basic.  But once you step on the bus there is no turning back.  Just talk to your recruiter  

  2. I do believe you can switch just go see an air national guard recruiter..

    Though you're making it sound like its ever so hard to be in the army national guard. Oh NO! one weekend a month.. whatever shall you do...

    2 weeks a year? OMG!

    Bet your research was the fact that your state is on the list to deploy soon...

    Do everyone a favor and just don't join any branch

    I dont know what im talking about eh..

    Oh gee.. Guess the 15 months I did in Iraq already don't count.

    Know what I'm talking about huh?

    I know your kind..

  3. Speaking from the Army Reserves I know once you join the Army Reserves, you're in. You are processed into your unit, issued uniforms, attend drill and receive pay, etc... You have to actually get discharged from your Army Reserve unit whether you have left for BCT or not. It works pretty much the same way with ARNG (Army National Guard). You can talk with your chain in your unit about switching to Air National Guard but I don't think you are able to switch until you complete training. There is usually red tape. If you get discharged then you will need a waiver to join again. I really hope this helps.

  4. See your recruiter, I don't think it can  be done until after training..then do an interservice transfer!

  5. You have asked this already.  You will get the same answers.  Are you attention seeking or something?  All your questions are this way.

  6. YES YOU CAN SWITCH. if YOU HAVENT gone to basic yet and are in the DEP you can switch. you must write a letter to the station commander and explain. or you could just be a DEP loss and dont even show up to ship to basic. they just call that a DEP loss. Go to the GI Right onliine and read about it. You arent even in the military yet until you ship to basic. you dont even have to ship if u dont want to.

  7. don't be a snatch.  live with it.  and it will suck.  enjoy iraq.

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