
Army national guard good idea or bad idea?

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My dad has been lecturing me about going there. Is it really a good idea or not?




  1. It depends on what kind of person you are. The question is do you think it's a good idea or not? You have to get use to being told to do everything and not wear your feelings on your sleeves. During Basic and AIT, it's gonna suck....then it gets better.  

  2. Any military is good.. benefits, you learn skills that will last you for the rest of your life, and you become a Man. Only reason people talk down about it is the risk of being killed.. but da** someone has to protect this country.  

  3. legally he cant make you enlist. so just read into it and figure out if you are up for the challenge  

  4. Joining the military should really be something that the individual wants to do, instead of being pressured to do.  It really has an effect on the time you serve.  I guess my question would be, why your father wants you to join the National Guard and not Active duty.  If he picks the NG because he thinks you won't deploy, he is sadly mistaken.  If he thinks the military will teach you some responsibility and discipline but doesn't think you are ready for Active Duty, then he may have a point, but not everyone because this stellar Soldier, I have known many that never make it through basic and many that have been put out.  So if you know why your father wants you to join, let us know and I will let you know my opinion on the matter.  But seriously, join for yourself.

  5. Good idea if you want to get collage payed for depending on your state most pay 100% over and above the GI bill

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