
Army or marines

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hi im jake i wanna go in the military next year wen i turn 18 but i dont kno if i wanna do marines or army does any1 kno which 1 would be a lil easier




  1. Well, the Army is easier if you do anything else besides Infantry, but we also got 12-15 month tours while the Marines got like 6 months. So you can either go Army and train easy because you're not combat arms but get deployed for 15 months, or you can join the Marines and train harder than any other cook in the military (LOL) and get only a 6 month deployment in Iraq if you ever have to go.  

  2. That's Easy "Marines". Although I personally served in the Navy, your question regards the Marines or Army. I believe that all of our branches do a great service for this country. However the Marine Corp's Slogan (The Few The Proud) is right on the money. The Army in todays world is hurting so bad for Recruits that they have lowered they're standards to an embarrassing level, in order to get whoever they can. The Army requires the lowest ASVAB score to join, they allow people to join with more severe medical problems than any other branch, and they are also the only Branch that allows people with prior felonies to join. This unfortunately means that the Army is getting many poorly qualified people joining. I personally do not want to have that many s***w-ups , Felons , quitters, and people with Medical Problems next to me in battle with weapons.

    The Marines on the other hand are so picky with they're people it's not even funny. They only want to best candidates for the Marines. I was a Navy Recruiter in the past, and I know that the Marine and Army office had a little plan together. The people that wouldn't qualify for the Marines, the Sgt from the Marine office would drive them to the Army Recruiting Center. Then whatever people actually joined from the Marine's help, the Army would take them out to lunch and for drinks.

    Seriously All the Branches are important. But in todays world the Army is heading down a bad path.

  3. You sound perfect for the Army Jake..

  4. if you want it easy,join the Army. we"re just looking for a few good men. the few..the proud...THE MARINES!   {I never get tired of saying that!}

  5. The army is definitely easier.  The marines have the longest boot camp (12 weeks vs 8), in the marines you will be the one in a tent in iraq, while an army soldier will be the one in a air conditioed base building.  But dont let a marine challenge scare you as although it may be one of your hardest endurances in life it will give you self confidence, motivation and character.  Personally I would still go into the Marines.  

  6. If you want easy go Army... the Marines don't want you if you don't want them.

  7. Go with the Army if you want it easier.  If spelling, grammar and capitalization are too taxing for you, the Marine Corps is not the place for you.  I am not even sure the Army is.

    For the love of god, please don't go into law enforcement with your rudderless outlook on life, though.

    Maybe you could split the difference and go work for Dept of Corrections for a while.

  8. Marines is tougher. They have longer basic training but they have shorter deployments.

    Since you want it to be easier the Army except they have much longer deployments usually varying from 12-18 months

  9.   The Army is for sure easier than the Marines but is going down hill at the moment and when the pull out from Iraq comes things are going to get real bad as the public crys out for the peace divided. The Navy is great I was Navy, but is not great for a police job unless you spend two enlistments E-5 or better for MAA rating, or become an officer in security. No future in the Navy. The Air Force has a great Security and Security Dog school, and is used by the other services to train. it is able to give you real world training, and can be used for real police work now for a job later. So maybe a talk with the Air Force would be to your advantage, the planes are getting ole, but the food and bases have always been the best, and the travel is great. Hope this helps some.

  10. Jake you sound like you're joining the military just for tuition assistance or you can't figure out what to do in life.  The army would be much easier for you so go ahead and become an army soldier.  With that kind of attitude, the Marines would be too hard for you anyway.

  11. army if you want to go easier. Marines if you want the honor.
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