
Army recruiter coming to pick me up?!?

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An army recruiter called my house, and told me to meet him in the recruitment office near my school, and then said he was going to pick me up on thursday! I'm thinking of hiding on thursday, and not answer the door. When he calls me I'll just say I changed my mind about meeting with you, and am no longer interested, but thanks for the offer.

Am I doing the right thing?




  1. -Just call to abort the appointment or make it done by someone

    -Don't stay in your house in case thursday

    -Put your phone off with a message telling you ll not encounter a recruiter and you r leaving for an expedition in South Pole for 6 months

    -Change your phone number

    -Move in another house

    -Genderbender clothing is a good idea (with a wig)

    -Change Haircut and hair color or headshave and don't forget accessories like sunglasses,tatoos earrings or others like japanese paperface oxygene mask when you exit school. If he spot you answer in a foreign language and play dumb exchange student that speak only a little english and can't understand US accent and prepare a name to give

    -Change your name

    -Facial surgery is great too

    -Burn all your fingers

    there is also the old school :

    -find a job

    -flew to Canada

    In all this you ll find 2 or 3 answers adapt for you like the 1 the 2 and the old school 1

    Something certain is try to never face him alone cause you r still in school so young and the way he made you in an appointement show he is used to technic and you r still weak mind and undecided. So you are an easy prey til you haven't made a personnal choice clear and strong

  2. No. The right thing would be to pick up the phone and call him and tell him not to bother.

    Don't waste his time playing games - just CALL and tell him you're not interested before he wastes his time and gas coming to your house.

  3. Dude what are you afraid of?  A recruiter can not sign you up in his office.  A meeting with a recruiter is nothing more than an information session...h**l you may not even qualify!  ever think of that?

    Let him come pick you to him...listen to what he has to might be pleasantly surprised with what he has to offer you!

    But if you don't think it is for have no obligation!  You have nothing to lose...everything to gain!

    Go see him!

  4. The recruiter works for a living just like everyone else.  All you have to do is call and tell him that you changed your mind.  He may be angry, but it's not like he's never had it happen to him before.  

    On the other hand, I travelled the world in the military, and have since earned a degree that the military paid for.  Think about the future, and not the present.

  5. Joining is probably not the best idea for you. Hiding will not help your self esteem. Call to cancel your appointment, but have a friend with you to lend moral support when you do.

  6. If you don't confront your problem it wont go away ... he will bother you on the phone and come over ... and maybe even show up at school ...

    Its okay to change your mind as long as you have not signed any contracts ...

    They cant threaten you or anything so don't be afraid ... just tell him you changed your mind and you would appreciate he stop calling...

    I had one of these guys on my @$$ because my sisters boyfriend refereed her and I was unlucky enough to answer the phone and gave him my name ... he called for 3 months every week till I confronted him and he stopped ~

    Good luck ~  

  7. Why HIDE?  Don't waste his time or MY tax dollars!

    If you don't have the testicular majesty to meet the man, just say so! It'll get you a wee more respect than cowering under your bed with its gender neutral comforter and your refusal to answer the door.

    Have the Cajones to call the man and tell him you are NOT fit for military service (evidenced by your lame proposal to practice being a COWARD) and thus have decided that you Don't want to meet with him.  

    Is this what we are teaching our children through outcome based public education?

  8. If you don't want to go to the Meeting DON'T GO, call him before Thursday and tell him you changed your mind. Do not let him pressure you. Hey, have your parents or friends call for you  can't do it.  

  9. Yes if yOU HAVE NO interest in joining then tell them, your in control don"t be afraid. There desperate to get there numbers. This is cominf from a Marine.

  10. Yes.

    If your doubts are that serious, please stand your ground and don't make a mistake you can't undue. Or tell them it was your little brother . . .

    Now is not a good time to enlist. Wait a little while. Things will hopefully get better after November 2.

  11. Don't hide from him. That's rude. If you have changed your mind, call him! Or go to his office and tell him in person. Don't hide. Sorry that's lame, and makes you look bad. Are you have cold feet or do you really not want to join? Either way, step up and take action for what you want. Just talk to him.That's what he is there for. Good luck

  12. No

    you will be nervous and its ok but don't let that nervousness make the decisions on your life and not take the opportunity to do something much greater in your life just go and see what he has to say and then decide hes not making you sign papers hes just telling you the opportunity you have waiting for you. Just go he see what he has to say if you don't your not only wasting his time by him coming to your house to get you but also wasting tax dollars if you really decide you don't want to go just call him and let him no he will be grateful for it

    recruiting is the hardest job in the military in my opinion and its hard because of kids who are to scared just to sit down and talk about there future and how the military can help

  13. No, you are not doing the right thing.  You should call him right now, or tomorrow morning and tell him the truth.  It will give him the chance to actually do his job instead of wasting his time by going to your door on Thursday.

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