
Army rotc???????????

by Guest64741  |  earlier

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I want to do Army ROTC in college and become an officer, however my mom just got finished telling me about a guy she knows who did the navy rotc to help pay for college and actually ended up enlisted by the end, i guess you could say the navy "tricked" him? anyway i just wanted to know how something like this could happen and if i only did the first 2 years of rotc is there anyway the army could (i guess you could say) rope me in and stop me from getting out of rotc if i dont like it and also get me to enlist instead o going in as an officer?




  1. OK Navy didnt trick him, he apparently breached his contract some how, maybe by getting in some legal trouble and disqualifying him from getting a commission. In a ROTC Contract for scholorship cadets, it states if you fail to become eligable to commission, you can be sent to basic training as an enlisted Soldier.

    Unless if you get a scholorship, anyone can take just the first two years of ROTC, to include foreign students. Its just a college class. However to go on to advanced ROTC IE MS (Military Science III and IV) Junior and Senior level classes, you have to "Contract". You can have different types of contracts, IE Non Scholorship, in which you would not have to go enlisted or scholorship in which you would / could be forced to enlist if you fail, IE Cannot maintain grades, drop out of college, get into legal trouble. IE DUI's is the number 1 cause that ROTC cadets get booted.

    A lot of people are enlisted in the guard or reserves and then sign up for ROTC, This way the get more expierence, get to drill as a cadet in a leadership role, get E-5 Pay. Its called the SMP Program. This way you do not have to get that schollorship clause in your contract, you make a lot more money and gain a lot more expierence. IE you can get the GI Bill, Get E-5 pay, use state tuition reinbursment, get a ROTC Stipend, and ROTC Classes are reinbursable by ROTC and you get state tuition reinbursment back on them, so basically you get paid the cost of tuition for ROTC. And also you only have to do the last two years of ROTC.

    If you just join ROTC, you just get a stipend, and if you get a scholorship they pay that. You dont get the leadership expierience as you do in the SMP Program, and you can never say that you were enlisted. So you basically become a butterbar "2LT" with no expierence and no prior service time, which a lot of enlisted Soldiers will look down on you for that.

  2. Nope not possible. Recruitment requires everything in writing long before anything happens or you attend anything. Your contract will state specifically what your intentions are and all the important info that your asking about (and then some).

    By the way, attending enlisted basic training wipes out two years of your ROTC! wink wink, nudge nudge! That means you'll be commissioned when your a sophmore. And obtain E-6 pay while a cadet in ROTC.

    National guard contract will send you to basic as enlisted, knock off two years of ROTC and finally, allow you to transfer to active duty when your ready. Not only that but you get extra benefits in the state your a Guardsman at.

    This is a very common technique people are using these days to pay for college and get commisioned.

  3. The Navy didn't "trick" him. By joining ROTC and having them pay for your education, it is only fair that you re-pay them with your service to America. College ROTC isn't like high school Jr ROTC, were there is no expectation of service, you won't get a free ride. If you need money for college, get a job and save up or apply for a grant or scholarship.
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