
Aromathearpy and Essential Oils?

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If you lose your sense of smell can you still benefit from aromathearpy and essentail oils? I know you would not be able to smell them, but would you still benefit from them?




  1. There are two ways aromatherapy works: one is biochemical, and the other is psychosomatic.

    In the first one, the aroma, which is actually an assortment of chemicals such as alchohols, ketones, amines and so forth, enter your blood stream through the membranes in your lungs or upper respiratory track. From there the chemicals can have a direct effect on your nervous system and tissues. In this scenario, the chemicals will enter the blood stream and work regardless of whether the persons sense of smell can detect them.

    For the latter way scenario, the olfactory nerve picks up the fragrance and it is interpreted in the cerbral cortex. From there, the signal goes to the limbic system, where the fragrance is associated with an emotional responce, largely due to memories associated with that fragrance. The limbic system then signals the hypothalamus to adjust hormones accordingly, producing the body's reaction. This ofcourse does require the sense of smell.

    Depending on the essential oil and the potency of the compound, it might work primarely one way or the other.

  2. Yes, many essential oils are good for your skin and good for you to take internally. So actually smelling them is a part of what aromatherapy is about. Although the different smells can cause different reactions in your brain. Essential oils should not be mixed with things like alcohol. That's why some people have bad reactions to the way they dilute and synthesize them. Essentials oils should be 100% pure and organic. Good luck!

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