
Around the world?

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where do u want to visit next in the world? me alaska!




  1. I have been to Germany & Switzerland..I would LOVE TO Visit OLD Paris...Ahhhhhhhhhh....Just getting the Funds to do so,Is the Problem.

  2. Australia or New Zealand

  3. germany, again

    or california!

  4. i would really love to go to Alaska 2 especially Denali National Park...i think it would be amazing......hmmmmm....if only...and i would like to go whale watching in Alaska...

  5. Goa, India (where I was born)

    Besides that, Paris!

  6. Alaska is great, but you might have to go more than once. I went there for a week and still didn't see everything. If you do go then I would recommend going to the dog sleds and if its not snowy then they will have a sled on wheels; it is so much fun! You have to hike too because there are tons of moose that you will get to see. Right now I would like to go to Australia because it has so much wildlife!
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