
Around what age did your child master a few animal sounds..?

by  |  earlier

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Also: What was your childs first word other than "mama" "dada" "baba" etc.




  1. At 4 months she liked to growl at me, lol.

    "mama" and "dada" and "baba" (bottle) was at about 6 months of age.  

  2. My son is 11 months old. He hasn't mastered responding with the right sound, but when he plays with his duck in the bath tub he says 'quack quack quack' and he'll tell you 'duck' when you point to a duck toy....he'll also make the vrrroooommm sound while he plays with cars and trucks (not an animal but still cute). Dog was Ian's first word besides mama dada and other sounds....we'd been on a weekend trip...when we got home and my husband let the dogs inside he immediately pointed to our largest dog and shouted 'dog!!!'

  3. At about 16 months my daughter could tell you what a dog, cat, and cow say.

    Her first word besides the generals you mentioned, was "monkey". That was at 11 months or so I believe.

  4. My son's first word (other than mama & dada) was puppy at 11 months.

    He started making animal sounds (after he learned them at daycare) around 16months but every child is different. They all learn how to say things in their own time.

  5. My daughter started "oof oof" when you asked her what the dog says when she was 15 months. Her first word was Up at 11 months.

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