
Around what age did your kid give up Thomas Trains?

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My 5 and 1/2 yrs old says he is done with Thomas the Tank Engine stuff and hasn't played with them or watched Thomas DVDs for 3-4 months. Am thinking of getting rid of them and making room/money for newer stuff. But, don't want to realize a few weeks down the line that he was not really done with it!

Question is: If your kid was a Thomas the Tank Engine fan, around what age was he/she completely done with Thomas and moved on to other interests?




  1. I loved Thomas the Train until I was about 4, then we "lost" the stuff and I moved on (I forgot all about it). Turns out my crazy father hid it all.

  2. mine is the same age and has said the same as your child - but wait!, he still loves the books and the odd tv programme.

    Lets not let them grow up too fast!!

  3. 71/2ish-8 wen she stopped liking it.

  4. My daughter stopped around that age too. She was in kindergarten. So it was between 5 and 6. She just decided that she didn't like it anymore.

    Consider packing it all up when he is not around and storing it in a closet Where he can't find it. If he asks for it, tell him "Well you said you didn't want it, so i packed it all up and gave it to someone who still likes Thomas. If he freaks, give it back to him. If he doesn't notice or doesn't seem to care, give him2 weeks and then get rid of it.

  5. Right around that time.  My son even used to sleep with his Thomas trains, but sometime when he was 5 he moved on to other things (like marble tracks).  Maybe pack them away in the house for a month or two and see if he misses them?

  6. Right around the time we had collected the last one--LOL!

    I have baskets of them in our guest room that I would love to get rid of, but I am holding onto them for a little while, just in case we have another boy.

    Take them out of his playroom and put them in some storage boxes.  See what happens after a few months and if he expresses any interest in them or not.  If he really seems to be done with them, go ahead and sell them on ebay.

  7. Well, I don't have a kid, but my little cousin was about 4 1/2 when he got over Thomas. He ws OBSESSED up until that time. He is 6 now and rarely plays with them.

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