
Around what age dose the doctor have to check you down there for whatever it is called?

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Around what age dose the doctor have to check you down there for whatever it is called?




  1. WHAT?

    I guess you are old enough if you cant use grown up words !

  2. i have no idea! lol my friend told me they did that to their little cousin (6 yrs old)  

  3. AGE IS NOT THE ISSUE here, if you do not feel anything or pain down there why should you visit a doctor for? Not only it is painful in financial term but a waste of time. Besides, the doctor will even ask the person WHY ARE YOU HERE...WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? If you say you got no problem the doctor might think you are crazy visiting him.

    SO NO MATTER what age it is if you feel something unusual or anything wrong with your body then it is time to visit or call your doctor NO AGE REQUIRE. The usual check you down if you are having an annual check up or going abroad definitely a check you down and all around is require for you but if you have no appointment going out of the country or applying for a new job then you do not need the check you down thing for now.

  4. any age that there is a problem

  5. not very specific but i will do my best.

    if you mean the turn your head and cough test, then they do that when you get a physical. no specific age. but dont be nervos if you are about getting that checked. its like 5 to 10 seconds. sounds long but its fast

    if you mean the oooooother place (r****m) you either have to get your prostate checked. also no specific age i think.

  6. well if your talking about a hernia check then it is done at pretty much every physical check up.

    if you are talking about prostate enlargement then they start that about 30 or 40 depending on you family history. could start in your in your 20's if he thinks your cute though.

  7. um, I dont think this really happens actually, but if it did, it would probably be around 14 years old

  8. Are you talking about a prostate exam, a colonascopy, or checking the penial area? Usually you get the colonascopy and the prostate exam when you reach mid-aged. If you need your p***s checked your doctor can you that whenever you come in for a check up  

  9. 12-14

  10. I've had eight sports physicals before and they've tested me when I was about 11 and this year (17).  I think they're testing you for hernia, but I'm not sure.  It's seriously not a huge issue and nothing to get worked up about.  It takes probably 30 seconds.  No sweat.

  11. It really depends when your check up is. He gives you one when your littler. But the whole drop your pants and cough start about 13-14.

  12. Well, they just did that to me yesterday. And pretty much any age.

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