
Around what time of the year does it start getting cool in Texas?

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Would you say by October it's cool enough for a light sweater?




  1. The first big cold front blows through central Texas in mid-to-late October. On the other hand that doesn't mean that it won't be 90 again three days later. That is the time, however, that temps stay lower.

    I've felt temps over 90 in both December and February in Houston.

  2. Maybe at night. It doesn't get cool enough for a sweater in the daylight until November.

  3. Never!

  4. texas dosent get cool

  5. around the end of september...and it can get very cold down here depending on where you dallas it gets cool around the end of september

  6. First you need to define cool, I got a friend from Alaska who runs around in shorts here all winter.  You may be able to wear a light sweater in October, but it also depends what part of the state you are in.  Texas has 5 different ecosystems within its massive borders.  I mean El Paso, TX is closer to California than it is to Dallas, TX!  Each section of the state has different climates and gets cooler at different points.  Around Dallas, I usually have to start carrying a jacket around the middle of October to early November.  And sometimes, we get lucky and I have to wear a coat!

  7. When you ask about the weather in Texas you are asking about the weather in a state which is larger than most countries.  Therefore the weather in different parts of the state will vary greatly.

    Since you posted this on the San Antonio site the night time lows for October do average in the mid 50s historically, so a sweater at night is probably in order.  But the daytime highs in the city do not average below 60 at any time in the year.  Though there are some days on occasion when it is quite cool to cold in the city in late December to early February. This area is considered to be in a semi-tropical zone.

    In the Panhandle area of north Texas, they get snow every winter so, as I mentioned the weather can vary greatly.

    EDIT:  Incidentally, for yakdawg1, I was stationed at Ft. Hood for several years and spent one week in a tent with snow on the ground the whole time and ice on the tent.  I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy the delights of a Ft. Hood winter.

  8. Late October or early November

  9. Yes, in October, it can be cool enough for a light sweater, depending on the climate you are currently used to.  Usually when our first "blue norther" comes in, it hits very fast like we know it's coming, we've been told and it will drop from 90 to 60 in 20 minutes.  It may stay that way for a couple of days and then climb right back up to 90 degrees.  I had my second child on Dec. 1, 1988 and it was 92 degrees outside.  In March, when I gave birth to my oldest in 1985 it was about 63 degrees outside.  One May I gave birth to my youngest and it was beautiful about in the 80's.  So, with months and weather it is hard to say.  

    Usually we do have a nice cool front in mid Oct.  It's rare to have a cool Halloween and then it's common to have a cool Thanksgiving and warm up until Christmas with a cool front that eve.

  10. I dont think it is ever cold in texas

  11. I would have to say the the second or third week of October,right in the middle of high school football season.

  12. Well i happen to live in San Antonino Texas and it seams to get cold here in december. for about 2 week and mostly in the morning.  

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