
Arranged marriage?

by  |  earlier

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Hello my pals once again with a new Idea,

If your parents itself will tell go with him/her, spend a lot time,

Understand each other, if happy and satisfied 'en marry.

How many persons are with this veiw, is it cool ???

If not why ??

Now see it's the best idea according to me ever . . .

I need maximum answers so that WE"LL be able to help ourselves . . .





  1. yes, i've seen this still in practice today believe it or not. So far it's the Albanians that do it the most and every time I work one the bride looks the most miserable of them all. I have never seen the bride at an arranged marriage actually happy. So I would have to say, no. I would never subscribe to this idea.

  2. What? I'm not really sure what you are getting at here.

    I'd never be okay with the idea of arranged marriage.

  3. It sounds like what they do in that "Parental Control", where each parent picks a date for their son/daughter to go out with (cause they hate the current girlfriend/boyfriend) The son/daughter goes on both dates, then decides which girl/boy they will keep: The current gf/bf, mom's pick or dad's pick....


    I think it would wor if the person had a bad history of always picking the wrong person, then the parents should step in, otherwise I would be resentful if my parents forced someone on me that I didn't love....

  4. Sometimes, I feel like it would be best.  I pick a lot of jerks...  if my family were to choose for me, it would be so much easier....  I know a lot of people who have an arranged marriage and they are very happy.  I also know a lot who are miserable.

    The way I understand it, the way many arranged marriages work is this...  you parents or family chooses the potential spouse, then you start dating them and choose the one YOU like.  Nothing wrong with that.

  5. arranged marriage is bullsh*t. I would never marry anyone someone told me to marry unless i actually loved them. What a ridiculous idea. I cannot believe that in the year 2008 people still practice that kinda of senseless control over peoples freakin relationships and lives. I mean I know its a cultural thing, and most of the time I can respect that. But with something huge like marriage it just makes no sense to me.

  6. if your parents set it up then it is arranged. but what your saying is something like an introduced marriage? because theres no pressure, you meet the person spend months or whatever with her and then decide whether or not you like her.

    so its something like a recommendation

    sure i would go for that. its like someone setting you up on a date and you falling in love with that girl. only difference is that here the somone isnt a mutual friend, they're your parents.

    i would be fine with an 'introduced marriage'

  7. This is more of a suggested marriage than purely arranged where both have the right to refuse, which is fine really. Every culture practices this to some levels.
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