
Arrested a exmonitor for abusing a child for seven years

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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For seven years, a monitor of a youth club of the Legionaries of Christ sexually abused a child under 10 years, has denounced this. Each day, until the child turned 18 and went abroad, he underwent touching him away from his friends, and he was isolated, controlling your life, to the point of hoarding most of their free time. That's the complaint filed in January to the Mossos d' Esquadra the victim, who today is 24 years. The monitor who allegedly abused him daily has five, 29 years old. The two met in 1999 when the victim, part of the Legionaries of Christ, said to Puigmal Youth Center. This is a club of extracurricular activities, located next to the school that has this ultraconservative congregation in Barcelona.

The victim then was 10 and the monitor 15. In such entities trips, workshops, sports competitions are organized... " The role of the monitor was the same as elsewhere, accompany the children, organize activities, workshops... " he said Monday a spokesman for the Legionaries of Christ. The monitor then came very close to the lower " generating a great friendship," according to the note issued by the Mossos d' Esquadra. So much so that the child's parents asked if I could babysit for him and the rest of his brothers. But over time, this relationship mutated, and became something else. The monitor began to sexually abuse him, explained the Catalan police. And he did it every day for seven years, when the victim was between 11 and 17 years.

Police keep the monitor turned increasingly less possessive with him, to the point away from his friends to spend as much time with him. The result of this relationship, the less he felt " manipulated, scared and without any control over their lives," said the police statement. For this reason, the young man was then able to end the relationship or denounce the situation of subjugation and abuse in the years immersed wearing. At age 18, the young man decided to go abroad to study in part to get away from your monitor and your situation who suffered daily, according to police. It was this distance that allowed him to become aware of what has happened and take the step to tell.

First he explained that it was his spiritual director in the community. Then the young man and his family took the step to report their ordeal to the Catalan police. On 22 January, the Mossos arrested the monitor, which is released in anticipation of being cited by the judge. But the Legionaries already departed from his position monitor in 2008, when the spiritual head of the victim put it to the attention of the community. " He asked permission to tell the congregation, and he did," said spokeswoman Legionaries of Christ. The detainee stayed at least eight years working in the Puigmal Youth Center. Today, the Legionaries of Christ not say " be aware " of more complaints against the man.

The congregation, however, did not report the crimes that the victim told her spiritual director. " The family did not want and was not made out of respect for them," says the same spokesman, who warns that today would act different. Even if the victim does not agree, the Legionaries denounce it to prevent further cases, according to the same spokesperson. Recall that last Wednesday the UN reported that the Vatican is covering up cases of pedophilia. The next day, the Legion apologized for " the serious and immoral abuses " of its founder, Marcial Maciel, to " minor seminarians old " and acts "immoral with adult men and women."

This is the second case in less than a week in which the Catalan police reports of sexual abuse in the Church setting. On Wednesday, officers arrested a pastor of the church of Santa Rosa in Santa Coloma de Gramenet, accused of fondling three young brothers, they did catechesis with the priest.

 Tags: abusing, arrested, child, exmonitor, seven


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