
Arrested but charges dropped. How would u answer this: "have u ever been arrested & not received disposition?

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Arrested but charges dropped. How would u answer this: "have u ever been arrested & not received disposition?




  1. Strange question.  I don't know why a company would ask such a thing, or bother to respond to it.  If they're that anal about it, I don't want to work for such people to begin with.

  2. I have to admit that I have never seen this type of question asked, but to answer it truthfully, you can honestly say "no".

    Disposition means that the case was resolved in some manner or form. Since the charges were dropped, that IS a disposition.

    The only thing I can assume from this question is whether they are asking if you are currently waiting for a trial from an arrest.

    Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you

  3. better to say NO                       if they asked then say you didnt understand the question

  4. True

  5. being handcuffed or riding in the back of a police car AND beeing booked in at the station constitutes as an arrest, even if you were let go or charges were dropped you still were in custody for what ever reason.

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