
Arrrg! I wish that I could just put music on my 360 blast, is there anybody out there that can help me...sigh?

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Arrrg! I wish that I could just put music on my 360 blast, is there anybody out there that can help me...sigh?




  1. Yes. Please see my blog entry here for a visual and step-by-step instruction:

  2. To place a url into the blast with a music file hot linked to it is very easy..

    1. You have to have an offsite file host for streaming your music into and out of you blast.. yahoo will not allow streaming out of the site..

    2. I use they have a free account you can get and they will upload anything almost.

    just remember to use only mp3 file type songs, for yahoo.

    3. Go to the fileden site and get an account there and you can use their uploader to upload your song there.

    Upload the song.

    4. choose the option for files and then click the red check out to the right of the song ..

    5. a page opens and click the url option under you song..

    8. a popup box appears at the top left hand side of the page, with a url in it .. copy it

    9. Back at Yahoo. go to your MY PAGE. and you can either edit blast from there or go to your home page at the bottom left hand side and use that editor there.. I use the HomePage one .. is is more reliable.

    10. paste the url into the slot provided for it there at the edit page.. then put come words into your blast and click save..

    11. go page to MyPage and you should see an arrow and the word click here... on your blast..

    12. click it

    13. it should turn into a little red square that says loading. and then the music should play ..

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