
Arrrrg! No AF and no BFP @ 17dpo!?!?

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I'm starting to really get freaked out because AF was due yesterday and I actually got really bad cramps thinking it would come on but it didn't. I took a digi this morning and, even clearer, NOT PREGNANT! (Think I like the lines more than the digital read out!) So, what's my question right? Have any of you not gotten a BFP on the day of or day after AF but got it a little bit later? I need straws ladies, straws!




  1. Pregnancy testing too early can lead to false results. Pregnancy test 7 days after a missed or shortened period for the most accurate result. While you are waiting to test you can watch for pregnancy signs from your body. Make sure you mark down the first day of your last period as your health team will need this information later. Best wishes, G

    Pregnancy Signs:

  2. I would say wait a good week and half after af is suppose to show up.. You may not produce enough HCG to detect it yet. And yes the line test are more accurate anyways- but when I found out I was preg, with the line test I took the digi to confirm I wasnt seeing things such as the 2nd line.. lol but I sadly lost my baby at 4 1/2 weeks along.. But you very well could be pregnant or your body could be changing and your period is just going to come later.. I hope you are preggers though and I hope I am too. I am currently on my tww and I hate the waiting game!!! lol and misha- AF= aunt flow (period) BFP= big fat positive (pos. preg test) and BFN= big fast negitive (neg preg. test) Good Luck and keep us posted!!!!

  3. whats AF, BFP and BFN?

  4. I have a straw for you! *hands it to woman holding negative test*

    A friend of mine was two weeks late before getting her BFP.  It happened that way for her again with her second.  

    Another straw- I don't think the digital tests are as sensitive as some other brands.  Go check out and find out which test is the most sensitive.  Then go buy it and use it in the morning if still no AF.  The FMU is the most concentrated.

    Good luck and baby dust to you!

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