
Art Bell, Michael Savage,or Rush Limbaugh. Who is the best talk show host ever?

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Art Bell IMO. Peaked during Waco, and then switched to the para-normal.




  1. My all-time favorite was a local host in Detroit, David Newman. He retired years ago, but was nothing like the blowhards of today. He was calm, objective and evenhanded with his show, totally in control.

  2. i like phil valentine out of memphis. i also like bill bennetts morning in america. savage is okay. i also really like glenn beck (funny) and of course o'reilly.

  3. Rush Limbaugh is the best prepared and has the best researchers; and yes, he's always right. And he has a bigger audience than any of the broadcast news or cable politics shows.

    Art Bell has the absolute BEST radio voice ever.

    Savage is the best when you want your blood to boil, whether you're for or against his view point. (Now, let's tune to the Dr. and rant about autism today...)

  4. You failed to mention Glenn Beck. He's every bit as good as Limbaugh... maybe better. I can't stand Savage. Art Bell is a whole different genre... so he has his place, but is not on a par with world events.

  5. If I can answer without referring to your list (and I would certainly hope I could):

    Joe Pine.

    Maybe Gary Burbank or Jack Carney.

    Look 'em up.

    -a guy named duh

  6. Savage! Didn't Art Bell retire?

  7. Out of the list Art Bell, but my personal choice thats not on the list is Glenn Beck. I've followed his career since he was an FM DJ here in CT in the 90's

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