
Art Inspiration?

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There's an art competition coming up at my school, i have entered in previous years and I intend to this year aswell. The max. amount of entries is 3, and I have already prepared 2. But I need one more... and I just have NO idea of what to do.... whatsoever. I need some inspiration. I'm looking to do an art piece that is not so much realistic, more like qwerkiness, or an unusual piece. If anybody has any websites or ideas, I would really appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance =)





    A lot of excellent artists, and some not-so-excellent, but I trust you're getting inspiration only and not stealing ideas!

    What about this style, seems quirky to me:

  2. close your eyes, open your soul, and dare to dream

    that's where true inspiration comes from

  3. Aussie Deejay -- A few weeks back you were very passionate about Australian Red-back Spiders (Related to American Black-widows) in your garage.

    Summon up your then emotion & either place live or photograthed spider in front of your easal & paint slightly abstact with feelings not as a picture. -- Just a sugesstion. My teenage daughter loves painting abstact animals.

    Paint what makes you happy, if others like your work great.  If not its still good.Good luck & G'day mate.

  4. Perhaps you should just submit 2 pieces.  You should really only show works that are completed and reflect you talents and Image of your artistic style I find it is not something that should be rushed.  Perhaps you should also stick with one style at a time and build up a body of work that all relates to each other stylisticly.  One day you will want to have either a solo or two man show and having a body of work that look like every piece connects is important.

  5. well I just had to do a piece on shoes, and at first I said "this is stupid" but it's pretty easy to take the piece far. Shoes seem boring, but in the end they became a more interesting concept for me to draw.

  6. My sisters were both artists . . . My eldest sister once painted a portrait that was of her own image (reflection) while standing in front of a full-length mirror painting her reflection . . . The final portrait showed her without all of her full-length legs from her feet up . . . But more about just from her knees up . . . And then it faded out prior to getting to that point and all around the edges of the portrait was a kind of fog . . . So to speak . . . Centering her right in the middle of portrait . . . And it was really quite interesting.  The moment you saw it, you could understand it . . . And you knew that the artist did the self-portrait.

  7. if you think outside the box and if you are painting or drawing try something diferant like a small could make it out of recycleable material and call it a green name  like i dont know something ecological

  8. you could paint a nargle (from Harry Potter)
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