
Art/craft ideas for my 4 yr old daughter??

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Art/craft ideas for my 4 yr old daughter??




  1. Try simple origami:)

  2. well... what does she like?


    You should get her this mat that goes on the floor it comes with a pen that only works on the mat and so it doesnt make a mess on your carpet/floor. Im not sure what this is called though. but you will find it in places like Argos, toy shops ect

    Creating things?

    There is a special play dough thing out that you can buy in differant cartoon characters eg. Winne the pooh. Its no mess but still fun. I think it is called (name of cartoon) hair eg. Winne the Pooh hair.

    Something like that any way my nephews used to play with it all the time

    Good luck

  3. whatever you choose make sure it is "open-ended" or "process-orientated" (meaning that there is no right/wrong way to do it).  Things like collage materials and glue, fingerpaint with various papers gives children the chance to direct their own art experience.  Just provide her with various materals and let her lead the way.  Go to a craft store and let HER choose what materials she likes. For example tell her "you can choose 3 colors of paints and 2 small packs of collage materials (foam shapes, feathers, stickers etc.)  At this age you want them to explore a variety of mediums of art.  PLEASE don't give her a coloring book or anything with complicated directions she won't appreciate it the way arts and crafts should be appreciated

  4. painting,colarge ,depending on what area you wont your 4 year old daughter to improve ,you can take her to a playgroup or p[reschool

  5. Try something very tangible. While art projects like painting and coloring are easy, they may not teach some of the fine motor skills that kids this age need. Try incorporating - coloring, painting, cutting, lacing, etc.

    So, take some large noodles (the kind you eat), have the child paint them. The next day, or once dried, use string, have your child lace the string through the noodles to create a necklace. if they won't wear it, use a large piece of paper to draw around them, have them paint their cut out, and use the jewelery for a belt, etc.

    You can do the same with letters for their name, etc.

    Good luck!

  6. So many projects for kids this age.

    Anything involving glue and glitter will be a big hit. I used to teach preschool, and the kids just loved it.

    You can also make 'stained glass' using waxed paper and crayon shavings. Cut out two identical shapes, put shavings from old crayons inside and press the two together using a hot iron (the adult should do the ironing.)

    A great way to do crafts is to find one related to a book or cartoon that your daughter loves. Check out this website:  It has tons of ideas.

  7. After searching the web for years looking for activities for my own children, I can highly recommend the following sites: and

    And there is no better magazine than Family Fun - check it out from your library.  Between all of these, you will have enough activities to last for months.

  8. has some great ideas for arts and crafts for little ones. As a former preschool teacher, one of my favorite projects to do is a felt board project. Create feltboard characters by following a favorite book of hers, and as you read the story, she can place the characters up on the feltboard. This way she's helping and learning at the same time. Might I suggest an Eric Carle book....good luck! Playdoh is a classic winner also.

  9. When my son was 4, he loved to paint.  I'd give him paintbrushes, and sometimes get a handprint from him.  After he had about 10 pictures painted, I cut out parts of them and collaged it into a frame (including a few handprints).  I put it in a frame and it looks great in my house.  Everyone thinks I bought it, and I'm always happy to brag that we made it together.  It has sentimental meaning and you can't help but smile everytime you see the colorful artwork.  He's now 7, but when I look at the picture - I remember him doing it.  He's also proud to have it on the wall.

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