
Art institute of LA-Santa Monica. just had some questions about it that i would like answerd?

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Is it good or is it a mock scam like i have heard new york film academy to be?

How many years of school is it for a bacherlors in digital filmmaking and video production?

Does anyone have any better suggestions for film schools? (please dont say ucla usc nyu because your average person cannot get into them!)

I was looking at chapman/LMU but ive heard that these are pretty difficult to get into as well.

if anyone went to art institute santa monica for dig. filmmaking and vid. prod. and had any input i would appreciate it!!!




  1. SFSU has a film programs, and it is that easy to get there. Plus you can take film classes at SF Community College, as well if you want to make a lot of films, along the way. Been there, done that.

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