
Art project help!?

by Guest34425  |  earlier

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im doing an art project soon and i really need help choosing a theme. i want to use all shades of pink, black, white,and silver. i also want to use some glitter and maybe a mirror. givven this info i still dont know what the "theme" can be. i would also like to use a coco chanel quote




  1. Art Deco

    Look it up in Wikipedia and from there this should help guide you in  a direction I think you will be able to form a theme from.

    I hope this helps.

  2. Don't pick a pretty, pretty theme. Your colours are very feminine but do not be so constrained. Drop the glitter. It implies something cheap. Do something purely modern,

    Run straight lines across a large canvas panel and space them out according the the golden mean, 1.618, which see on the Internet. Appropriately infill the panels with your colour selections.

  3. Art project, huh? Well, if it's painting (which is) you can make hmanity a woman with two faces, both glory but one happy and one kind of sad and lonely. But behind them you can put broken toys and new ones,e.t.c. I hope I help, though I might have only used your time (:D)!
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