
Art project ideas for my 17 month old

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something besides finger painting or coloring! Its been raining for like 2 weeks straight going stir crazy!!!! any idea's would help




  1. Make some home made play dough. I'm sure there are recipes on-line.

    When my kids were young we would make forts out of blankets and chairs etc.. Big boxes are the best. You can cut out the doors and windows and just have a very good time.  

  2. do you know what oobleck is? It's just a combination of water and cornstarch. The best place to play with it is in the bath tub. Keep the kid in a diaper in the bath tub. The measurements aren't at all specific and you just need to play with it to figure out the proportions but, it is a great activity. Start with like half a cup of water and about the same amount of cornstarch. You want it to be kind of the consistency of pudding. Play with it with your fingers and let it ooze between your fingers. It will keep "changing" between feeling somewhat like a solid and/or a liquid. Add more water or cornstarch. It tends to dry up after a while. You can use a whole box of cornstarch and water to match. You can add food coloring if you want but it's totally unnecessary. When the baby is all done, you can just add a lot more water and let it all go down the drain.

    I also find that finger painting is great when it's done in the bath tub as well. Just keep the baby in a diaper and let them paint all over the sides of the bathtub. Then wash it all away.

    You can also use paintbrushes and water to "paint" the driveway or the outside of the house. You can use paint if you want but water works just as well for a baby! I always mixed paint with about half dish wash soap (like Dove) to make the paint last longer and mostly to make it really easy to clean up.

    Good luck!

  3. You could try painting a birdhouse with your 17 month old.

    it worked with my three year old sister.

  4. Musical instruments: Rice in a pringles tin, beans in a plastic bottle then decorate the bottle. Then you can sing and dance together!

    Free play-have loads of recyclables like bottles, cereal packets etc and have fun gluing and building cool stuff---can make a rocket, a house etc to play with!

    Make playdough or buy air-dry clay (from most art shops)....can make decorations, presents for family.

    -Go out in the rain and collect leaves, twigs etc---yes its wet but as long as you have appropriate clothing it will just turn into a fun exploration for you both hehe! Then take things back let them dry as you two dry and then make sticky pictures together!

    -Ketchup-on a tray---use your finger to make patterns and explore texture together.

    ---or similar use a thin layer of paint then you can print the pattern onto paper :)

    Hope these help!

  5. You can take a piece of paper and put glue on it & let them put cotton balls or macaroni noodles or misc. small items into the glue & then hang it on the fridge when it is dry. You can also get large beads & let them string them onto a lace to make a necklace. Another idea is to get stickers, and paint and whatever & let them decorate an old coffee can or small box, after it is decorated they can use it to put their treasures in.  

  6. Making a collage.  If they're old enough to understand "dont eat the crayons", they can understand "dont eat the glue".  They can make a collage of torn paper, or cut paper if you do the cutting.

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