
Arthroscopic shoulder surgery?

by  |  earlier

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I have had pain in my shoulder for the past two years since my auto accident. I have done therapy, accupuncture and 3 cortizone shots. I am still in pain. My orthpedic surgeon told me I should get the arthroscopic surgery since nothing all else failed. Has anyone out there done this surgery and had success. how long did recoup take. how painful was it? all info will be a great help please

thank you




  1. I had an arthroscopy done on my knee 6 DAYS ago -

    it is fantastic.

    I am walking unaided - ie no crutches or sticks.

    I have 2 tiny plasters over 2 tiny cuts (1 stitch in each cut).

    ! physio visit this morning - all ok so no more needed.

    Stitches out next week. See Consultant in two more weeks.

    There is plenty of bruising coming out in my leg but I am not in pain. I was in more pain before it was done!

    If I try to do too much too soon it hurts so I only do what I am comfortable with.   Good Luck.

  2. I had it done on my knee to see if I needed an ACL reconstruction,and I had to get a s***w removed.

    They just made 3 tiny little crosses on my knee,and that was it realli. I had a big bandage on from above my knee down to my ankle,and I had another appt. with the doctor after 2 weeks. When I went to see him,he just told me to do physio for a while.

    BTW,do you know if they are going to do anything with your shoulder when you have the surgery??

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