
Arthur Guinness leased its Dublin site in 1759 for £45 a year how much is that in to days value?

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Arthur Guinness leased its Dublin site in 1759 for £45 a year how much is that in to days value?




  1. A lot.

  2. That is not a lot. It is pocket change today. The man was a friggin' genius.

  3. Arthur Guinness' lease is still the same today as it was when he first took out the lease..£45 per year...I had heard it was actually  ÃƒÂ‚£100 per year over  hundreds of years, the lease is the stuff of legend, Guinness brewery covers the biggest area of industrial land in Dublin city  and the site is seemingly endless acres of land in the heart of Dublin and worth billions of  euro/pounds/dollars whatever... ol' Arthur was a genius to have had the vision to pull off a steal like that

  4. the lease was taken out for 9000 years , also Arthur took out an agreement to use dublins water supply for over 7000 yrs at approx 10 pounds per annum, but this has been renegotiated over the years.

    I worked in the store house when it was pat of the working brewery and it would have over 300 men working in and around the stored beer at any time. We often tried calculate the lease and what its worth in todays prices. It would be into the millions as much of the brewery land would be classed as prime real estate

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