
Article on the impact of non-mometary incentive on employee performance?

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Article on the impact of non-mometary incentive on employee performance?




  1. Impact of non monetary bonus for employees do not have a direct impact for the company, as otherwise it would had been shown as employee's bonus paid and as an expense reckoned to be a business expense(which is exempted from tax in most cases). In the hands of individual employees, their overall income is less being paid a paid holiday outing or etc. thereby individually he is to pay a less tax.

    It is therefore can be called to be an employee welfare activity by the company.

  2. It works...I work in sales and our incentives aren't always "strictly" monetary....although they do appear to have a value .It makes us that bit more determined ,plus they seem more "instant" somehow...i mean the tax man gets his cut of a £ bonus but he dosent get a cut of a DVD player or afternoon off with pay!!

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