
Article says that Girls math skills now measure up to boys, what do you guys think about this?

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  1. Programs that try to bring the number of women in technical fields up to parity with men don't come at the expense of men.

    I know women and men who are good at math and women and men who are bad at math.  I lost patience after Calc II because I find problem sets quite boring, but I don't think that has anything to do with my genitals.

  2. When given a chance men and women can be equal on every psychological level. There are no differences between them outside so physical characteristics.

  3. It's about time someone finds out and says something like that.  I'm not surprised, in other words. . . the ability's always been there, but sometimes not so much the desire.  Now we just need to get them into fun areas like engineering.

  4. I've read studies that show that people who are told that they won't do well on a test, their anxiety goes up and they perform poorly (the study even showed this for Asians who have long been stereotyped at doing better in math), but if they are told that they will do well on a test, then their confidence levels goes up and they actually perform better than normal.

    I suppose this could be the result of all those attempts to rid our culture of negative stereotypes.

  5. Girls are Smarter Boys, its a fact.

  6. Is it your aim to make men and women asexual? Girls are also better at boys in some subjects and skills, will they try to measure up boys too, and write articles about it?

  7. At least I don't bleed for 5 days a month.

  8. Is anyone surprised? I mean as females we get better n better at EVERYTHING  we do.

  9. Notice how some people automatically assume that these numbers are the result of anti-male initiatives . . . sheesh.

    Anyway, the article makes clear that some other things have to be factored in before they can know for sure. But it's still an interesting piece of news.

  10. My thoughts are : "Good."

  11. I think it's a great example of a self fullfilling prophercy. Firstly, they said girls were worse at maths and scince so girls did worse. Now they are saying girls are excelling past the boys at these and guess what, they are! Telling someone if they are going to be god at something or not effects their output.

    Coinsidence? Non..

  12. Yet another article written to "feminist statistical standards".

  13. Idk. I can only speak for myself and I scored in the 91st percentile on the math section of my SAT. Math has always been my best subject.

  14. MSNBC is where I get my news that doesn't have a liberal bias. There could be a bias to get the desired results. If there was no bias, which I doubt, and the study wasn't corrupted for a desired result, good for women.

    On the leader of the study-

  15. It remains to be seen whether girls will flock to have careers in maths or science, which so far does not seem to be the case.

  16. I think it's because a lot more girls now a lesbians than 20 or 30 years ago, and it's a KNOWN fact that L*****n brains are closer to stragiht male brains than straight women's brains are close to straight men's brains. That being said, it would only make sense that since there are more lesbians now, that on average women would be way better at math than they used to be. I mean just look at the #1 song in America.

    If I had a penny for every so called "straight girl" in my town who has s*x with other girls, then I'd be a millionaire.

  17. ""school club that tries to get young girls interested in science and technology, along with engineering and math.""

    Seeing how much the education system in the US is favoring girls over boys I'm not surprise at all.    There are also many "special programs" out there that give girls "easy pass" to math dominated subjects.  This is just another example of equal outcome, nothing more..

  18. There's an article about more men staying at home while women work. HAH! What do you have to say about this????

  19. I am extremely glad to hear that.  It proves that there isn't some mystical great difference between how female and male brain work.  Another misconception down the drain.  Thanks!

  20. I think it is true.  There is no gender difference in math skills.  I think differences in the past can probably be explained by the fact that since girls were not "supposed" to be as good at it that didn't perform as well do to lack of confidence or male teachers not taking them as seriously.

  21. A girls math skills should always be high up there with that of boys! I have a cousin that lives in New York who goes to Columbia University, she is an engineer! She is the Einstein of the Family because she knows math so well. that is we do not see any differences between the education of girls to boys when it comes down to mathematics.

  22. It basically shows you the girlpower/womanpower attitude our society has against boys... how come they haven't focused on getting boys up to par on the subjects that they weren't as good at in the past... nah, too busy with supremacy of 'girlz rule'  with bringing them up in math. No wonder more women go to college and professional women make much more in their 20's( )

  23. The truth is that our flawed public education system has become a little bit more fair. We have also raised more interest in mathematics for girls. It's not about ability but preference. Girls and boys both like to learn but they all have favorite subjects.

  24. Yes, we are all 6 again.  

    Boys rule, girls drool.

  25. I think either girls got smarter or guys got dumber or they changed how they determine that.

  26. Who cares? I mean honestly if someone likes math good on them, if they like science or English or the Arts. Who gives a c**p what s*x they are????? Why is everyone on here always trying to compare? Everyone has different talents; I don't understand what is with you people.

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