
Articles of Impeachment are being read, but there's almost no news about it.?

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If a President gets impeached and the press doesn't report it, did he really get impeached?




  1. The same scenario took place during the Clinton era too. I'm afraid this will be the pattern for every future president. And as with all the episodes of the past, nothing will ever come of it.

  2. No one was impeached.

    That dingbat Dennis Kucinich tried to bring articles of impeachment against Bush and Cheney but no one was interested since they know there are no grounds for impeachment.

    Disliking the President and his policies are not grounds for impeachment.

  3. This is how the powers that be make these things go away.

    They don't want to air the items on Kucinich's list because people might start questioning and protesting and becoming agitated if they were to see all of the criminal behavior of this administration all at once.

    The media isn't reporting the riots and strikes all over the world protesting high gas prices either.  The media reports what it wants to report.  Why do you think we heard about Monica and the blue dress ad nauseam and hear nothing about Jeff Gannon, the g*y escort, visiting the White House so many times?  

    Don't worry!  Look here!  Britney Spears has a new hair cut.

  4. A president is impeached when a majority of the house approves articles of impeachment.  The articles then serve like an indictment that is tried in the senate. What kucinich is doing has no more legal significance than walking with a picket sign reading "impeach Bush."  Why anyone would report it is beyond me.

  5. The Media isn't covering it because this isn't news it's simply a publicity stunt.

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