
Artistic/Creative people don't you hate it when people steal your ideas and claim it as their own?

by  |  earlier

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I know this question isn't probably related to art but I am just wondering if I'm the only one alone that gets stolen and claim it as their own from time to time because most people get jealous for my ideas and imagination.

Does it happen to you to?




  1. Yes, and I agree 100%. I think one of the worst cop-outs is the line "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." No, that's just stealing. I don't want to suggest to you that you no longer express your ideas to the world, but maybe you should keep your "gold" material to yourself until your ready to copyright it. Good luck.



    Check out this link, maybe it will be helpful, but one of the best ways to keep your ideas safe is to not express them in words but in actions, if artistically , so you can copyright the final product.

  3. As a comedian, which is sorta artsy, stealing someones joke is the Worst think you can do. I've had it happen a few times to me and you gotta lay down the law fast befoe they claim it as their own.

  4. Hey Dark

    I have two views on the subject

    As an artist, I do get upset when people steal my ideas or artwork and claim it as their own

    But, I also think of it like this, art is something I am creating  for me (as it is a reflection of myself and what I think or believe) but (if I choose to show it to others) it is also something I have given to the rest of the world. In other words my art belongs to society and society has the right to place interpretations on my art that I never had  in mind while I was creating it. If they take my art and put a new spin on the same idea or simply steal it and use it in another piece of art, I have no control over that.

    By no means is this an excuse for people who steal art but it does make me feel better  I guess... lol

    I do, however get pissed if they just slap their name on it and don't even attempt to alter the original.

    sorry it was so long :)


    yeah it sucks I mean they could at least give credit where credit is due but not everyone is so courteous.

  5. yup very much so !!!

  6. hey Dark here is the link to copyright your ideas

    it will help to stay away from theives.

    any time bro :) anytime

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