
Artistic block and a poem about it. Who else has been a victim?

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I hate getting the block. It's one of the most horrible things that can happen. Period. The following poem is the only thing that I have been able to do for a month now, and that includes all forms of art. Phooey!

Escape Attempt

Artist’s block, my adversary,

It seems our wants are contrary.

I need to write, I must create,

But you remain and irritate.

I beg, I beg you leave me be!

Just let my works of art flow free.

Your grip is watertight no more,

‘Cause through it I’ve snuck sixty-four.

Well, let me know what you think of this forced work, and if you have ever overcame the block, please let me know how you did it.




  1. Believe it or not I never suffer from writer's block, at least not the kind you're referring to, and have enough material in my head (poetry, plays, short stories, etc.) to last my lifetime.

    But I do suffer from something from time to time that may be more crippling to a writer than writer's block. It really doesn't have a name that I know of so I just call it my 'Why Write Block?'

    It's the motivation, or lack of motivation, to write. It's like saying "I've said this before." or "Why bother if it's not going to be published?" or "Why bother if I've already worked out personal or emotional issues in my life through writing?" or worse "Why write if no one is going to care?"

    If I feel I'm a good writer and don't need praise because I've already had enough praise to suit my ego needs, if I'm not exorcising personal demons, then why should I write anymore? Because, when I can motivate myself enough, I will humbly admit that I'm just another well-meaning Don Quixote still wanting to fight social ills and still wanting to leave the earth a little better off than I found it.

    That, plus the fact that I've always had a specific audience (lover, girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, wife, daughter, etc.) that I wrote for, my real life muse, and haven't had a real life muse in many a month.

  2. the poem is lovely doggerel, and I have a thought for you about, "block."

    I do not believe in "artist's block" and I have a very good reason. Art starts as a subconscious process, before we are "ready" to create. It is like a soup "cooking" on the stove. I can smell the process and I can tell it is not time yet, when I am supposedly "blocked." Much of my best work came after this "cooking" process. I accept that there are times when my subconscious is working and my conscious work has to be "busy work" like editing or correspondence/email.

    Don't let cooking fool you that you are stuck. You are really working, just on a deeper level, and it isn't ready to serve yet.  

  3. basically just concentrate on a certain subject you want to write about and indulge yourself in anything that might bring about a flow of ideas such as music, literature, films, art ,etc.

  4. There is a famous song from 1870 by the band Chicago titled "25 or 6 to 4",

    The lyric are at

    In an interview for the syndicated radio program "Rock Line" the band's lyricist explained how he had stayed up all night trying to come up with some lyrics to a fill in piece for an album,  On the 25th attempt at 6 minutes before 4 AM, he wrote about how he was feeling at the time.  

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