
Artsy you find it hard to be your true self in front of others?

by Guest45046  |  earlier

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I usually hide my passion, my emotion, my imaginative views of this world deep inside of me, in fear of being thought of as "wierd" or different. I have always held these things inside, and only truly allow myself to be the true me in front of my friends who are like me, and my very close relatives. Are there any other artsy people out there who have trouble communicating with this world? Sometimes I feel so restless, I wish my mind had an off button.




  1. I used to the that way, but in the long run, if you don't hurt anyone, just say "What the h...." and do it anyway. People are sadder at the things they didn't do in life, than the things they did. Just accept others as they are, and they will do the same.

  2. I know what you mean. I hate being the only one at my age who thinks like he does. I tried sharing an example with my friends and they thought I was f*cked. I decided to just keep it to myself. My mom doesn't get me either and never will, but my dad and I connect as if we have the same brain.

  3. When you're not your true self, as you understand it, you betray yourself.   If you cannot be true to yourself, who else can be?  Other people's response or reaction to you, tells you more about where THEY are than where you are.   So if you are a fraud, who they seem to be is probably fraudulent too - or at least misleading.   If you are open and honest, others will find it easier to be the same with you.   That's a wonderful gift of self, on both sides - the most precious gift of all.   If you are judged "wierd" or unacceptably different, you may learn something - or if not, you will at least have an opportunity to question yourself, and be stronger.   Being fraudulent destroys self-confidence.  It pulls the rug out from under your feet.  There's no security in that.  Go for it, gently, and politely, but firmly - and passionately when you feel it - and deal with the consequences.   It's the only way to go, in art or life.

  4. i like my just not a sales person.not a people person by no means.i mean i can be friendly but dont go out of my way to get to know you.that is a hang up on my part.i could probly go far if i could get past that point.ive had my picture in the paper but that is as far as i ambition

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