
Aryan Brotherhood question?

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This is really bothering to me I am sure some people might not like what I will say but that's why we all have our own thoughts.. Every post I have read is so negative towards people who share the same thoughts as members of the Aryan Brotherhood. People should really take the time to read what they think and what they stand for before judging them. On the the main things they go by is the 14 words and for those who do now know what that is The Fourteen Words is a phrase used by white nationalists, Neo-n***s, and others. It refers to both the 14-word slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children."[1], and the 14-word slogan: "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.

So my question is Why is it so wrong for a white person to have these thoughts about wanting to make sure that there is a White population and taking care of the white woman when it is ok for other races to have the same thoughts but yet they get no criticism. I think that many of them get a bad name for what a few of them have done, just like in any race. I have personally hung out with some Aryan Brothers and they really aren't that bad. I am not trying to make people feel anyone way but I just dont understand how someone can hate one race (well group of people) so much when every culture and race is doing the same thing. Think about it with arranged marriages in almost every case the 2 people are from the same culture and religion and their families choose that other person and by doing that they are securing the future of that race and culture. Its really no different that the Aryans they are looking for that same security.




  1. Because they're trash. White nationalist/national socialist/racist/white power movemnts are reluctant to yield continents to indigineous populations (N. America, S. America, Australia, etc), they wage unprovoked wars even against their own (World Wars), they manipulate and kill their own, enslave natives, violate treaties with allies and sympathise with many other likeminded and hateful degenerate  movements. Theoretically they could have some credibility lets say an indigineous rights movement if their agenda was confined to continental Europe only... but until they talk about retreat from occupied territories i can only cringe at their extreme degeneracy. They should get a hobby or something. idiots.

  2. Because the Aryan brotherhood is pro racist, Neo-n**i and violent.

  3. If you bothered to look up the word you'd discover that "Aryan" refers to a language group and has nothing to do with race.  If it did the Aryan languages originated in the Middle East and the racial type would be people like those of India or Iran, not white.  The reason so few people take the "Aryan Brotherhood" seriously is that they don't know what they're talking about.  If you want to talk about the "White Race" you need to use terms like "Nordic", "Teutonic", or "Western European", until then you just lump yourself in with the followers of Adolf Hitler, who didn't know what "Aryan" meant either, and associate yourself with supporters and defenders of the Holocaust, which will guarantee a negative response.  

  4. Mate. I think it has something more to do with the lynchings. Indians have arranged marriages yes. Jews keep to themselves yes. But it's passive.  Aryans don't just keep to themselves, you go out and kill people. That cool Aryan guy on your block probably won't seem so cool anymore when he's burning someone to death to "protect the beauty of the white woman".

  5. People generally have a negative view of anything that mentions "Aryan" or suggests any sort of n**i imagery.

    Anything that mentions something related to Hitler in any way is going to get a bad reaction out of people, and understandably so, because the n**i regime was responsible for millions of deaths. (However for some reason that doesn't stop people from praising communist regimes such as Stalin's who killed over 10 million more than Hitler's...but that's getting off topic...anyways)

    There is nothing wrong with the 14 words or wanting your race to survive, wanting your children to have something in common with their ancestors, growing up in a place where they feel safe and have something in common with the people around them, etc. However groups like the Aryan Brotherhood tend to attract violent extremist types who think that violence against other races will actually make a better future for their children. These people are idiots, and although there are stupid people prevalent in every ideology, these ones are the reason why groups like this have a bad reputation.  

  6. i understand you and i wont perpetrate hatred.  but what if i would like to join up?  i am half mexican and half japanese.  the majority of my friends are white.  i grew up in white neighborhoods and i identify most with white people.  perhaps i would have thoughts and beliefs like the aryan brotherhood.  i would never be accepted.  why?  because i'm not white.  

    suppose they are loving and accommodating?  it would discredit them to accept me.  i am not allowed simply because of my heritage.  any group that is elitest and inclusive will not thrive.  it's frowned upon today and i'm not even going to touch the extreme behaviors associated with exclusive groups.........of any color.

  7. There is nothing wrong with that, killing is something else. I feel for my people what you feel for yours, so do you.  But, like everyone else has said, anything associated with Hitler is a no-no.  He has killed so many people, to you they are Jews, to me they are still just white people, killed his own, disgusting.  Good Luck being a white supremacist.

  8. There is nothing wrong with that but some of the ARE racist, and we all know that. Not because they want to "protect" the white race but because many dislike other races.

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