
As Americans, don't you think we should be trying to come together?

by  |  earlier

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I mean there are so many problems in our country and it seems like everyone is looking to everyone else for answers. Instead of coming together to make this country the best place in the world to live, we are just looking for more and more ways to divide ourselves. I understand that people are always going to have differing viewpoints on certain issues but instead of me trying to force you to believe what I believe, shouldn't I say, "ok, this is different but I think we can find some way to still be neighbors." ? Because, like it or not, at the end of the day, after all of the arguments and hostility, we are still going to be neighbors.

Shouldn't we be all working toward a common goal of harmony within our walls instead of constant unpleasantness? Don't we all want to live well? Don't we all want to have access to a good education, medical care, financial security, etc. etc. I don't want to hear, "oh well who's going to have to pay for it?" blah blah, that's not even close to the point. We first have to have goals then we can work towards them. If we all keep pulling in different directions, how can we consider ourselves, "One nation..."?

So not really a question...but, your thoughts?




  1. Of course we should, but only so long as the people we come together with agree with me. Y'know, like I don't want any of those uppity women 'coming together' with me, they'll just get in the way and try to change me. Or blacks, no blacks, they'll want reparations when we 'come together'. No immigrants either, because if you weren't born in this country, you shouldn't be a part of it. And no Jews either, only Christians are a part of this country.

    (Please, after reading that and being mad at me, remind yourself it's sarcasm)

  2. I think we should* but there are so many people still so hung up on racial, religious and political divides* it will probably never happen.

  3. It would be nice, but as long as there are some who want to have power over others, it will never happen.

  4. Why can't we all sit in a circle hold hands and sing kum-by-ya and smoke a peace pipe? That would be nice wouldn't it?

  5. You've got it exactly right. We Americans have more things in common than we have differences.

    I think politicians and politicized media outlets are fanning the divisions. I think it's up to us individuals to throw aside our differences and work together.

    We don't have to agree on everything but just respect each other and work towards a common goal.

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