He took Obama under his wing and put him in the limelight. He gave Obama "projects" to "overhaul" that had been in the works since the days of former Senator Paul Simon. Jones had no part in the initial proposals of the new bills, but he accepted credit for their introduction and passed them on to Obama without question. These "landmark" bills were deemed Obama's great successes, but he did little more than get handouts from Jones. This isn't the first time Jones has given handouts. In 2005 Jones gave Lorrie Rickman Stone a lucrative position as the "Mental Health Program Director"with a starting salary of $116,000. Two months later, Jones married Stone and gave her a $70,000 raise bumping her salary to nearly $190,000. Lorrie Rickman Jones now has a budget of over 700 million dollars to distribute where "she" sees fit. Jones will be resigning his seat as president of the Illinois Senate in January 2009....to succeed him, he's chosen his son Emil Jones III. If this is Obama's political mentor, do you trust his "experience"?