
As a 29 year old female which of these games are most appropriate for me to play....?

by  |  earlier

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Most seem ment for guys.

Any thoughts?




  1. Most games are meant for girls, they have hot s**y guys - ding dong!!!

  2. Who cares if they seem meant for guys?! Just play which ever one you think seems fun!

  3. Appropriate? Just play whatever game you are most interested in.

  4. Please don't waste your time on silly computer games. You might become addicted and very isolated over time. Buy a Bible instead.

  5. who cares if its for a girl or boy???

    if u like it, play it.

    girls rule!!!!!!!!!

  6. Whatever game interests you the most.

  7. Play whichever one appeals to you most.

  8. Hala my dear, forget online games!

    Get yourself an Xbox 360. Go on Ebay and look for Mortal Kombat: Deception or Armageddon. Both will play on 360 although they were made for original Xbox and both are on auction right now for around $10.00. Yes, they`re a few years old, but they`re sweet. You can`t say you didn`t see the MK thing coming, can you? :P hehe

    Then run (yes run!) to the store and buy Grand Theft Auto IV. You shant be disappointed. I swear. Oooh ooh, I know this sounds mighty embarrassing, but get Guitar Hero as well. Those are games that are suitable for any age. Woot woot...oh, and no popups, no adware, etc. :)

  9. The problem is that most game descriptions will try to SOUND like they are "manly" because video game producers consider their core audience to be young males. So it's very hard to tell from such descriptions what a game is really like. I'm a pretty hard core console video gamer and I play all kinds of different games from GTA and first person shooters to The Sims, though my first love is survival horror ;)

    So my advice is to just look at these games and try to figure out what the game play really is like and if you would enjoy it personally and ignore the language used in describing it. Lots of games have demos or mini-trailers to show you what gameplay is like. Check gamer sites and even Youtube.

  10. Wow. I sure asked the right person!...

    Well, I dont think all  are for men. Heres 7 that seem ok

    1.Active Worlds

    2.Adventure Quest

    3.Albatross 18 (golf)


    5.Audition (dance)

    6.AWOL Now

    7.Club Penguin!!! (yay!  :)

    and of the 'guy stuff', try

    Aces High (flying might be fun!)

    Alien Arena

    Anarchy online(anarchism is different than the crappy world we live in)


    Astro Empires

    and i didnt even get past the c's!

    nice site

    you could have fun for a while.

    I wanna play!

  11. I'm sure you will kick a*s at whichever game you choose ;-D

  12. Bang! Howdy

  13. RPGs are g*y.

    First person shooters and air combat simulation games are fun.

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