
As a British citizen do I need to get visa in order to live and work in Canada?

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I am single mum with my child and and I would like to move to canada, now because I have a responsibility of my child I need to make sure how can I immagtarate there, Do we need visa for work and live, can my son start school as soon as get there? if anybody can advise me please do so.

Thank you




  1. you have to apply for Canadian visa, but contact your nearest Canadian embassy for correct visa for single parents, Canada can be quite difficult to get into, good luck

  2. No you don't need a visa I would move to Vancouver, British columbia it has so much to offer there and your son can start school right away

  3. you have to apply to immigrate,can be a long and expensive process and unless you are a skilled worker you may not qualify

  4. I hate to break this to you, but it will difficult unless you're in a high skilled job. Sorry about that. Work visas are hard to get in Canada.

  5. Seeing as you are a British citizen, it keeps it slightly less complicated. You would need a visa to both live and work, and likely for your child to receive public education.

  6. You must obtain a temporary work permit and/or apply to become a permanent resident in order to live and work legally in Canada.

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