
As a Christian, can i walk on scorpions and tread on serpents without harm?

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.. and yea, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i shall fear no evil, for Thou art with me?





  2. Paul was bitten by a deadly snake and didn't feel a thing, he was holy in God's eyes.... are you.... besides why literally walk on them. You are more likely to encounter spiritual snakes and scorpions which will try to kill you with the same verve. It is they that you will overcome, unless you end up in some desert and find the real deal looking to finish you off. In that case pray that you are holy!

  3. If you're willing to try it, please let us all know how it turns out.

  4. Sure, why not?

  5. Yup, and you can drink poison, too.

    Oddly enough I've never heard of anyone trying that.

    Remember the guy who went into the lion's enclosure at a zoo assuming that God would protect him?  He's dead, of course.

  6. I am atheist, but you are correct.

                                   All you need is real faith, and love.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if all Christians from all of the 1500 different 'sects' combined together say in two weeks time , (on the anniversary of Saint Twiggle the magnificent) and proved it to the world.

                                    I would be willing to provide my rod and my staff to comfort them , and help out by ushering along any doubters.

                                    I wonder how a rod and a staff could bring comfort? I also wonder what is the difference between a rod and a staff?

    Maybe one is for fishing? Ah it's all getting too complicated for me.

  7. The truth is these are signs that will happen through the body of Christ.

    It is members of the body and doesn't say all Christians.

    We could say Christians have many gifts but not every Christian has every gift.

  8. The sad thing is that people do test their faith in this fashion. The snake handling church in USA lost another one last year, and in Europe there have been several cases of bible waving Christians jumping into the lion's pit at the zoo.

  9. Ask Palin. She's a Pentecostalist. I dont think they tell you about their mistakes though.

  10. Try it.

  11. absolutely - you are more than welcome to walk on scorpions and tread on serpents - it is totally your right to do so.

    Just make sure that you TRUELY beleive that your god will not allow any harm to come to you.

    IF you choose to not walk and tread -  then maybe your faith is weak.

  12. Of coooouuuurrrrse you can. Why dont you do it!? Goooo on... God loves to be treated like a magic trick.

  13. Maybe with some metal golf cleats and some really thick pants so you don't get bit by anything!

  14. only if that was what God wanted you to do.  you are also not supposed to test God, as the devil tried to get Jesus to do when he was tempted in the desert.  

  15. Certainly not!

    Jesus Himself, when tempted, told Satan that it is forbidden to tempt God (Luke 4:9-12).

    It seems you are referring to Luke 10:19 where Jesus gave temporary protection to the Apostles from natural dangers.  The pronoun "you" is indicating those present with Jesus only.  That protection obviously does not extend to anyone else.

  16. Yeah, if you wear thick enough boots.

  17. Be kind to the serpent power or Kundalini, do not disrespect it if you love life for it is the cause of all life and the sustainer, what you have been taught can be said to be a perversion of truth.

  18. I believe that you have pointed out the problem with a literal interpetation of the scriptures.

  19. No, you are not Christ.

    And I have a feeling you're not Christian, either

  20. I wouldn't do that if I were you.

  21. yes, now, I'm not sure I am getting the point you are trying to make,  sorry.  ;)


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