
As a Palaeontologist, women are historic relics 75 million years old?

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Women were on earth before Man. That is what I get and religion and the bib;e makes nonsense at all.

Atheist are the true believers.

Now what religion has been around for 75 million years?

NONE absolutely NONE

God only ex hists for those who want to believe what man wrote.

Trust me..when you die all you will see is nothing. YOur dead and gone.

So live your life now and you will live better understanding that then being like some sucked up brain wormed church goer that gives money in the plate every week when you could be saving up for that Turbo Porsche.




  1. Not only did woman come first, but the very first deity was FEMALE. It took desert nomads, centuries later, who valued their horses more than their women, who changed god into a murderous MALE.  The Goddess was a deity of CREATION, the GOD was a deity of destruction.  You figure out which was the TRUE creator of the Universe. LOL

  2. The book of Genesis instructs us of the correct origin of women.

  3. Does your mother know you're on the computer?

  4. Eh? Can I have some of what you're smoking?

    Homo sapiens are what, only couple hundred thousand years old as a species?

  5. You are not a paleontologist.  

    In fact, I doubt you've finished middle school.

  6. Wow. I might wanna get myself checked for massive STDs!

  7. I see only rant - no question - and much of it makes no sense.

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