
As a Police Officer How do you Handle a dispute between neighbors over a fence???

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How would you handle a dispute between neighbors who are fighting over a fence on the other's property as a police officer??




  1. thats a civil issue, not officers. Sheesh do we have to wipe your guys' asses too? If it then turns physical then well get involved other than that its between you two and well tell you to get over it

  2. Go to the town/village/city engineering or zoning department and get exact maps of the property.  Determine for fact whose property the fence is on, and if it's determined the fence was built on the other's property that person would be ordered and required to remove it.

  3. Too many what-ifs.  How are they fighting?  Are there any threats?  If it's bad and too much to try to mediate (mediation is first), I would probably write peace disturbance summonses to both of them and they both have to go to court.  If there are threats, then maybe assault misdemeanor charges on the person threatening.  Maybe restraining order info needs to be given to them so they have to stay away from each other.

  4. hopefully you could have a partner in this.

    But seperate them would be the first step. Make sure you have a visual on the other tho while you're talking to one. And ALWAYS know where your partner is.

    Get both their sides of the story of whats going on. The solution depends on the situation (in this case the fence). If it's a civil problem (which this seems to be so) they need to just handle it by themselves in a civilized manner. Once the fighting comes in (hopefully that doesn't happen) then someone goes to jail. lol

  5. tell them to get a surveyor to come to the house tell them to go half on the fee for the surveyor and see who's property is who's and there will be no problems from there if they don't want to do that then its not worth the time or effort of the police force

    if they don't do it then it wasn't that big of a deal to begin with  

  6. Tell them to fight it out in a duel.

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