I was a working single mom for awhile then I remarried about 2 yrs ago. I have a 5yr old and a 1 yr old and have been a SAHM since our baby was born. I know I shoud be grateful but I am starting to have so many issues.I am starting to feel almost jealous of my sisters and friends who work because they all seem to be financially alot better than we are. My husband is a pipeline foreman and makes very good money but I am blowing our budget each month. I feel so much guilt from feeling "non contributory". My husband soesn't complain but my own conscience nags me. I keep telling myself that my kids will not be little forever, just enjoy it,etc. but it does little to quell my feelings of inadequacy . Working parttime is not an option because the cost of daycare and gas isn't worth it. I tried it. What does your family have to do without for you to stay at home? Do you ever feel like this? If so , what do you do to pull yoursefl out of it? I am educated ( I am a nurse)but I feel now like people assume I am not capable of anything but cleaning and changing diapers. How can I get past this ? I WANT to be here with my kids but kcik myself when an unplanned expense comes up because I think, "Well, if I were working, we wouldn't have this to worry about".