
As a U.S. citizen can I get a foreign adress?

by Guest59715  |  earlier

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As a U.S. citizen can I get a foreign adress?




  1. Your question is not clear enough. What do you mean by a "foreign Address" - do you mean a foreign residential address? If so the answer is "yes, of course". There are thousands of US citizen's living abroad as residents, and with foreign residential addresses. No problems.

  2. u can have an address in Iraq or afghanistan if u join the army.

  3. Certainly you can.  US citizens live in every nation in the world, and most of those have foreign addresses.  Please understand the tax implications of a foreign address however:  You'll need to pay taxes both in the US, and in the nation you file for residency.  This includes income earned in the US, and income earned abroad.  Many people see this as a double taxation.  Some nations do not "double-tax," which is why Anna Nicole Smith was living in the Bahamas, for instance.

    Several countries do not allow you to own land as long as you maintain your US citizenship, however.  You can rent a Post Office Box, an apartment, or even establish a foriegn address at a place of temporary lodging (a hotel, for instance.)

  4. only if you live at the foreign address,

    you must establish yourself with another country,

    landlord , papers from the landlord,signed and dated;

    electricity, gaz, etc.prove your residence,

    enter trough the embassy first ,have permisson to live at this address, and visa necessary , anything over 90 days.......... and the establish yourself, not just with any will not work.

    and PO box? do not count......for a vacation ? you may have a forwarding address.

  5. Depends - you can get a permanent address most places but not for countries that are not diplomatically recognized.

    You don't need a permanent address overseas for most puposes - important business can be handled via c/o the U.S. embassy by arrangement there.

  6. yes you can u should report it to the nearest American Embassy you can even go there to vote when its time to elect a new pres.

  7. Sure if you live in a foreign country. I am sure most Post Offices will sell you a PO Box for a price. Seems like a waste unless you are planning something illegal.

  8. Of course you may.

    The question will rather be: what about the follow up of your mail while you are missing?

  9. If you travel to the other country and get an address there (by either purchasing a house or getting a P.O. box in the country), yes. Note: Some counties might require citizenship to do so.

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