
As a USMC spouse, what can I do when my husband didn't receive BAH? His unit is dismissing his concerns.?

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As a USMC spouse, what can I do when my husband didn't receive BAH? His unit is dismissing his concerns.?




  1. there really isn't much you can do darling.We had to stay in TLF for a good 4 months and once we stayed in TLF they took our BAH right away even though we didnt have our house yet

  2. Yeah there are a lot of dumb *** Lifers in the Corps...

    They eat **** and bother people...

    He needs to go to payroll/disbursing and straighten it out

    probably take about 10 minutes...

    The Corps sure has changed since I was in 1968-1972 RVN...

    Its every man for themselves now...

    NCOs/Snco's/Officers don't look out for their Men/Families any longer.

    If you don't get results call your Congress person and file Formal Charges

    against his NCO/SNCO/Officers for dereliction of duty...

  3. As a spouse there is nothing that you can do about the situation.  As it is his pay he has to be the one that deals with it.  He needs to make sure the right paperwork has been filed and if it isn't there an explaination as to why.

    Now it can take awhile for BAH to start up, sometimes 2 months.  So if he is to be getting it (meaning you don't live in housing or OCONUS) then it will be backdated to the date it was to start.

  4. First of all, does he have a copy of your marriage certificate?  If not, he needs it because without it they cannot legally start it because they can't just go off of his word.  I'm going to answer this with the assumption he does have it and already showed it to him.

    If they are dismissing his concerns then he needs to go up higher in the chain of command.  His superviser should have taken him to finance to get it taken care of by now.  If he has done that already it should appear by the 1st of September since it's already too late for the 15th.  If he still doesn't get it then he needs to take it higher and tell them he isn't getting it and he can file a complaint with the Inspecter General.

  5. The USMC doesn't care about family situations. It's all about the numbers and money. As they say, if they wanted your husband to a wife, "they'd issue him one." I'm sorry things are crappy and I hope you get your money and things turn around. I know how much money can hurt a Marine family.

  6. yea they have tooo back pay him his money tell him to go to rpac

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